Sunday, September 9, 2012

Don't sweat the small stuff!

I know that I let the small stuff bother me sometime, even when I should ignore it, it still manages to control my thoughts and sometimes my actions. Don't judge me, they say admittance is the first step to solving a problem right?

Well I have to admit that lately it seems that everyone and everything has been getting under my skin.  I mean, stuff that I did not EVER think would be a factor has been used against me.  How did this even happen?  My conclusion was that the enemy was trying to keep me down.  That was until I attended church this morning.  Pastor Parries said it best: God uses the enemy to PROMOTE you; don't let the enemy DEMOTE you. 

What an epiphany!  Whoever the enemy may be in your life (job, boss, spouse, cashier at Walmart that charged you twice for the same item) they are not the enemy; instead they are the way to promotion.  The Lord will always create ways for you to show your faithfulness and trust in Him.  These ways are oftentimes presented to you as an obstacle.  It ultimately is up to you to use the experience to build your character and faith instead of letting the enemy set you back. 

So with that said, I am actively changing my thought process. Others will not control the way I do me! 

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