Thursday, March 20, 2014

Don't call it a comeback

I have neglected my blog once again.  I am not sure why I do this; writing is the best form of therapy for me and with all the stuff I feel like I'm going through, a massage is  not enough to ease this tension. 

With every passing year (30 was the most recent) I learn that life is something else.

Within the last year I have developed a level of pain that sometimes puts me out of commission.  The pain comes from Fibromyalgia according to my doctor.  Oh how I wish it was a misdiagnosis! The nagging aching pain is enough to make me want to cry sometimes, but I am going to fight through it.  Many doctors say it is a mental disorder; I sure hope that is true because I tell myself daily that one day this pain will cease to exist!

On the up side, my boyfriend has relocated to Virginia and things are better than ever...AND he gives me massages when I am in pain so he gets 20 cool points for that.

Until next time...

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