Saturday, June 23, 2012

Another bad hair cut

Morning all! Despite only 6 hours of sleep, I was surprisingly energetic today.  I decided to try and make a peanut butter smoothie.  I have heard great things about them and since I make smoothies every morning for me and one of my coworkers, I wanted to experiment before I took it to her.  Oh what a disaster that was!  It tastes absolutely horrible to me!  I am going to stick to my fruit blended smoothies.  So breakfast ended up being a spinach and Swiss cheese omelet.  That was a complete success.  I know that part of the story probably wasn't necessary but I wanted to share it anyway before I got to the good part. 

So I went into the bathroom and caught a glimpse of my hair.  Lately I am not a huge fan of it.  It is so limp and lifeless.  Anyway I took a look at my shortest side and noticed that it looks a HOT mess!  I went to a new stylist last week and she really did a number on me.  Since I have been in Orlando, this is the second bad haircut I have received.  The first one was the result of the stylist using hair clippers to take down my sides instead of scissors.  You can just imagine how blended that was.  I am so over my hair being mistreated, hence another reason why I am transitioning to my natural hair. 

Anyone who knows me probably thinks I am overreacting about the haircut.  Just to prove it to you, I am posting the pic I took this morning.  I can't do the hit and miss cuts anymore.  I just can't...
Really lady?  HOW could she think this was a good cut?

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