Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's been a minute!

Wow time sure does fly.  I didn't realize it had been this long since I hit up the blog.  In the past few weeks I have been dealing with a few things: my hair and my spiritual walk.  I feel like I am at a crossroads in my spiritual walk.  I am not sure where to go next so keep me in your prayers as I listen and walk with God.

As my hair gets longer, it is becoming more and more difficult for me to manage. Since my post about my first official bad hair day, I have had about 10 bad hair days.  This may sound a bit conceited, but I am used to looking a certain way with minimal effort.  Natural hair definitely makes you redefine what beauty is!  Yesterday was really bad, so after viewing numerous YouTube clips, I decided to try finger shingling.  Oh I am in absolute LOVE with my hair!  It looks so shiny and neat.  I have absolutely NO frizz, which is something I was beginning to think was impossible.  I think I found my twa style, YAY!

Through all of the difficulties of the past few weeks, I am so glad that my relationship is still going strong.  Normally it would be the first thing to go, but I think I have found the man that fits me.  Never thought I would say that.  Boy does it feel nice...